• You can use below query, it picks all the connections from a host (ABC in this case) from sys.sysprocesses; creates a common statement to kill them; and then executes the statement.

    Replace 'ABC' with hostname;

    you can see which sessions it has killed by deleting the comment from 'print' section of the script

    declare @SqlCmd varchar(1000), @HostName varchar(100)

    -- Set the hostname name from which to kill the connections

    set @HostName = 'ABC'

    set @SqlCmd = ''

    select @Sqlcmd = @SqlCmd + 'kill ' + convert(char(10), spid) + ' '

    from master.dbo.sysprocesses

    where hostname= @HostName


    DBID <> 0


    spid <> @@spid

    exec (@Sqlcmd)

    --print @sqlcmd
