• Manic Star (1/13/2015)

    Its possible its trying to run the whole kit and caboodle in one transaction. I don't remember 2k5 well enough to know when it commits, or where you can force it to do that.

    Good thought. Note however, that the BULK INSERT command is never sent to the server in this case. So, even if the TRUNCATE TABLE were wrapped in a transaction, the server is not seeing the BULK INSERT command. I think this is an issue with BIDS

    Can you use bcp as a workaround in the 2k5 environment

    Perhaps, but I found a better (for me) way:

    I simply used another Execute SQL task and built the BULK INSERT command myself. Works like a charm!

    Still a mystery about the Bulk Insert Task, though. Wish I knew the secret there!

    Gerald Britton, Pluralsight courses