• Are the users executing these statements directly against the database? I would think if you're controlling access to these operations via a stored procedure, you could bake in the logic you describe into the procedure without having the additional headache of maintaining DML triggers.

    Maybe I just don't understand what you need exactly, but I'd do something like this, where I have procedures which can be invoked to control all the DML operations.

    use Tempdb


    set nocount on



    Set up test harness


    if object_id('tempdb.dbo.TableA') is not null drop table TableA


    create table dbo.TableA


    UserID int,

    JobID int

    primary key clustered (UserID, JobID)


    if object_id('tempdb.dbo.TableB') is not null drop table TableB


    create table dbo.TableB


    UserID int,

    JobID int,

    SomeOtherID int

    primary key clustered (UserID, JobID, SomeOtherID)



    -- Insert proc

    if exists (select 1 from sys.objects where object_id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.InsertRecord')) drop proc dbo.InsertRecord


    create proc dbo.InsertRecord

    @user-id int, @JobID int


    begin tran

    insert into dbo.TableA(UserID, JobID)

    select @user-id, @JobID

    insert into dbo.TableB(UserID, JobID, SomeOtherID)

    select @user-id, @JobID, 1

    commit tran


    --Delete proc

    if exists (select 1 from sys.objects where object_id = object_id('tempdb.dbo.DeleteRecord')) drop proc dbo.DeleteRecord


    create proc dbo.DeleteRecord

    @user-id int, @JobID int


    begin tran

    delete from dbo.TableA

    where UserID = @user-id and JobID = @JobID

    delete from dbo.TableB

    where UserID = @user-id and JobID = @JobID

    commit tran



    Execute these a couple times


    -- Set up a user and a job

    exec dbo.InsertRecord 1, 1

    select * from dbo.TableA

    select * from dbo.TableB

    --Delete that user and job

    exec dbo.DeleteRecord 1, 1

    select * from dbo.TableA

    select * from dbo.TableB

    --insert a new job

    exec dbo.InsertRecord 1, 2

    select * from dbo.TableA

    select * from dbo.TableB




    if object_id('tempdb.dbo.TableA') is not null drop table TableA

    if object_id('tempdb.dbo.TableB') is not null drop table TableB

    Executive Junior Cowboy Developer, Esq.[/url]