• Agree. There are some good ones, and some bad ones.

    In my area (Pennsylvania), there seems to be lot of recruiters that really did not look at your resume. I get calls for everything under the sun. They are doing the shotgun approach.

    There are about 2 or 4 agencies here that are professional and are looking to do the right thing for both the client and the candidate.

    The other thing to look out for are the different offices of the nation recruiters. The office in one city may be wonderful, and in another they are terrible.

    Keep trying, you will find a good one eventually.

    True story.

    A recruiter contacted me through LinkedIn.

    She attempted to recruit me for a DBA position for a different division of THE SAME COMPANY I ALREADY WORK FOR.

    The best part about it is that after I told her this, she kept pestering me about the position.

    I reported her to HR. She stopped bothering me!

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
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