• --update dbo.MyDB_RowCnt

    begin tran tt;

    delete from Utility.dbo.MyDB_RowCnt

    where flag ='OLD';

    update Utility.dbo.MyDB_RowCnt

    set flag ='OLD'

    where flag ='NEW';

    INSERT INTO Utility.dbo.MyDB_RowCnt

    Select 'NEW' as flag

    ,QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(sOBJ.schema_id)) + '.' + QUOTENAME(sOBJ.name) AS [TableName]

    , SUM(sPTN.Rows) AS [RowCount], GetDate() as Date

    FROM ...

    commit tran tt;

    -- analyze OLD against NEW

    P.S. If number of tables can possibly vary i'd better opt to FULL JOIN instead of LEAD /LAG.