Data Conversion Error

  • Good Morning Guys,

    I Would Like to ask. when I run this particular Select Statement inside a stored procedure, I am encountering this error

    'Error converting data type nvarchar to float'

    i have attached the Select statement I used to retrieve the data. any help from your part is very much appreciated

    Best Regards,


  • a2.NumericValue check distinct values for this column,

    you might have anything other than numeric values.

    or add , and a2.NumericValue like '%[0-9]%'

    like below.

    Select top 1 a2.numericvalue

    from dbo.ctc_mde_valueaudit a2

    where a2.UTagId = mva.UTagId

    --And > a2.Id

    and a2.NumericValue is not null

    and a2.NumericValue like '%[0-9]%'

    /*and a2.NumericValue is not null and a2.NumericValue != 0

    and mva.NumericValue is not null and mva.NumericValue != 0*/

    order by desc

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