Use LIKE in SQL SERVER to XML record

  • Hi ,

    I have records in a table that contain elements as below (<c184>). My problem is that I cannot use the LIKE operator.

    I use WHERE XMLRECORD.exist('(/row/c184[contains(.,"141024")])')=1 to find records but this statement checks the whole value. I would like to know how I can search the below to find records that element 184 contains value that starts with 141024.

    If I had used WHERE XMLRECORD.exist('(/row/c184[contains(.,"141024")])')=1 then it would have returned all the records below. The result should be only the last record (3)

    record 1


    <c184 m="2">0814141024</c184>

    <c184 m="3">0815141024</c184>

    record 2


    <c184 m="2">0810141024</c184>

    <c184 m="3">0819141024</c184>

    record 3 ([highlight="#F2F5A9"]141024[/highlight]0822)


    <c184 m="2">1410240822</c184>

    <c184 m="3">1410230822</c184>


  • I believe this could be done more efficiently using the XQuery Substring method but I could not quickly figure out how.

    In the meantime, here's a solution...

    -- (1) create your sample data

    DECLARE @yourtable table (xid int, xmlrecord xml)

    INSERT @yourtable

    SELECT 1, '


    <c184 m="2">0814141024</c184>

    <c184 m="3">0815141024</c184>'


    SELECT 2, '


    <c184 m="2">0810141024</c184>

    <c184 m="3">0819141024</c184>'


    SELECT 3, '


    <c184 m="2">1410240822</c184>

    <c184 m="3">1410230822</c184>';

    --SELECT * FROM @yourtable

    -- (2) Solution

    WITH nodes AS


    SELECT xid, xmlrecord, xx = xx.value('.', 'varchar(100)')

    FROM @yourtable

    CROSS APPLY xmlrecord.nodes('c184') x2(xx)


    filter AS


    SELECT xid

    FROM nodes

    WHERE xx LIKE '141024%'

    GROUP BY xid


    SELECT t.xid, xmlrecord

    FROM @yourtable t

    JOIN filter f ON t.xid=f.xid;

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Thanks a lot. That's what I needed

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