• will 58232 (11/27/2014)

    ...Additionally the occasional walk about can help too, one person might only require a minute another might require more support and assistance, but this way not everyone's time is wasted.

    This is where stand ups provide a lot of benefit. Everyone must be brief and just say what they are working on and if they have any issues. For many this will be just a sentence like "Implementing feature X. No issues." which makes it very brief. A stand up with a dozen people without issues can be completed in two minutes.

    If there are any issues then people highlight when they have input, be it that they have the same or related issue or can shed some light, and it is taken offline i.e. after the stand up. This ensures that everyone in the stand up knows what everyone else on the team is working on and what are the current issues. It also leads to only the people involved in an issue getting dragged in.

    The stand up is the place to highlight issue resolution. Again, briefly.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!