Agent Job report omit previously sent data

  • Hey everyone,

    I have this report i setup as an agent job in SSMS; It's setup to run every 7 minutes and it only sends the report if data is present. I'd like to add the ability to omit any rows that were sent in the previous report.

    This is what the script looks like:

    if exists (select o.ord_billto, o.ord_refnum , o.ord_hdrnumber, o.mov_number, o.ord_status, o.ord_cmdvalue, o.ord_startdate

    from orderheader o

    where ord_billto in ('A','B','C','D')

    and DATEDIFF(minute , o.ord_datetaken, GETDATE())<=7

    and ord_cmdvalue >= 250000

    and ord_status in ('avl','pln','std','cmp')



    declare @tableHTML NVARCHAR(MAX);

    SET @tableHTML=

    N'<h1>Test Report</h1>'+

    N'<table border=1>'+

    N'<tr><th>Bill To</th>'+

    N'<th>Reference number</th>'+

    N'<th>Order #</th>'+

    N'<th>Move #</th>'+

    N'<th>Order Status</th>'+


    N'<th>Ship date</th>'+

    N'<th>Delivery Date</th>'+

    cast(( select td=o.ord_billto, '',

    td=o.ord_refnum, '',

    td=o.ord_hdrnumber, '',

    td=o.mov_number, '',

    td=o.ord_status, '',

    td=convert(decimal(10, 2), o.ord_cmdvalue), '',

    td=convert(varchar, o.ord_startdate, 101), '',

    td=convert(varchar, o.ord_completiondate, 101), ''

    from orderheader o

    where ord_billto in ('A','B','C','D')

    and DATEDIFF(minute , o.ord_datetaken, GETDATE())<=7

    and ord_cmdvalue >= 250000

    and ord_status in ('avl','pln','std','cmp')

    for XML path('tr'), type

    ) as NVARCHAR(MAX) ) +

    N'</table>' ;

    execute msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail


    @subject='Test report',








    Also, on a side note, can anyone explain why i can't seem to use IF ( Select [...]) > 0? When i try using that instead of IF EXISTS i get this error: "Msg 116, Level 16, State 1, Line 7

    Only one expression can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS."

    Any input is appreciated! Thank you!

  • I got a tip from my post on stackoverflow for this suggesting to use an extra column on my orderherader table and set a value there as a "flag" of sorts. This lit a light bulb in my head because the report i'm basing my script on had an extra portion of code at the bottom that i didn't bother to look at. Turns out we have 15 extra columns in the Orderheader table that's used for this purpose.

    I added this portion of code at the bottom of the script after the SP_Send_dbmail and will update my post when i get some results.

    update orderheader set ord_extrainfo2=1

    where ord_billto in ('A','B','C','D')

    and DATEDIFF(minute , ord_datetaken, GETDATE())<=7

    and ord_cmdvalue >= 250000

    and ord_status in ('avl','pln','std','cmp')

    update orderheader

    set ord_extrainfo1=NULL

    where ord_billto in ('A','B','C','D')

    and DATEDIFF(minute , ord_datetaken, GETDATE())<=7

    and ord_cmdvalue <= 250000

    and ord_status in ('avl','pln','std','cmp')

    and ord_extrainfo2<>NULL

  • be careful using datediff(), it only registers the number of 'ticks' between two dates

    select DATEDIFF(YEAR,'2013-12-31','2014-01-01') -- one day

    select DATEDIFF(YEAR,'2013-01-01','2014-12-31') -- almost 2 years

    The first is one day, the second is 729 days but both are only one tick of the year

    You are safer using dateadd() and comparing the derived date with the target date.

    I would be tempted to turn the query into a stored procedure and set a value in a table for the last time the process was run and then pick up all records since the last process datetime.

  • I played around with the Datediff in the script just to test the script to get some results; I don't think this would apply here as we're telling it to refer to the ord_datetaken column which is a date datatype, so we're just telling it to go back 7 minutes as per the job schedule.

    Do you have any reading material you can suggest for creating stored procs? I'm still "in training", learning as much as i can from the ground up and i haven't gotten to trying anything with SP.

    I understand that once the stored proc is created, i would just have to have an EXEC function in the agent job and call the new SP. I'll see if we have any existing reports that work like this and I'll post an update tomorrow.

    Thanks for the input Aaron!

  • @ salokbi,

    You are NOT going back 7 minutes, you are going back anywhere between 7m0s and 7m59.999s

    If you script initiates at 12:07:45 you will get all records from 12:00:00 - that is NOT 7 minutes,

    If it next runs at 12:14:59 you will get all the records from 12:07 - records from 12:07:00 to 12:07:45 will appear in both reports

    if it next runs as 12:15:01 it will get all records from 12:08:00. any records that appeared between 12:07:46 and 12:07:59 will not be picked up.

    2 seconds difference in the execution start makes a hole minutes difference to the records selected. [technically 1 millisecond is all that is needed - 12:14:59.999 to 12:15:00.0000]

    if it is a date datatype then how can it go back 7 minutes - there is no time element?

    Generally to create a stored procedure, write the code you would normally write in your query then wrap the query in

    CREATE PROCEDURE <ProcedureName> AS


    <your code goes here...>


    and execute the query; this will create the stored procedure. You can then run the stored procedure using

    EXEC <ProcedureName>

    There is loads more to it if you need to pass in parameters or run the proc under specific user priveleges but this is the basics.

    The stored procedure can execute a number of separate SQL statements as a single process. e.g. define a variable, get the value from the database, run a query to return a result set and update the records to mark them as output.

    you can also return multiple results sets from a stored procedure, but you need to take care if these are being consumed downstream by a .NET component or similar (SSIS task, Access procedure etc) as you need to define which result set will be used.

  • Ok now i see! Thank yo very much for the breakdown!

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