• serg-52 (10/30/2014)


    Alternatively use OPENXML

    DECLARE @xmlDocument nvarchar(max)

    SET @xmlDocument = N'<table>

















    DECLARE @docHandle int;

    EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @docHandle OUTPUT, @xmlDocument;

    WITH rs1 AS (

    SELECT cast(a.text as varchar(100)) [text]

    , row_number() over (partition by b.parentid order by a.parentid) AS colID

    , b.parentid AS rowid

    FROM OPENXML(@docHandle, N'/table/tr') a

    JOIN OPENXML(@docHandle, N'/table/tr') b

    ON a.Localname='#text' and a.parentid = b.id


    SELECT rowid, [1],[2],[3]

    FROM rs1

    PIVOT (max([text]) for colID in ([1],[2],[3])) as pv

    Quick thought, I'm hesitant to recommend this approach as it performs worse, has some caveat and can possibly result in bogging the memory, i.e. I cannot see any sp_xml_removedocument statement in this code.
