Comparing Rows in same table

  • I have a table with 4 columns.

    EmpName PayDate WageType PayRate

    ABC 10/22/2014 Regular 10.20

    XYZ 10/22/2014 Regular 09.30

    ABC 10/23/2014 Regular 10.20

    ABC 10/24/2014 Regular 11.50

    ABC 10/25/2014 Regular 11.20

    XYZ 10/25/2014 Regular 09.30

    ABC 10/26/2014 Regular 10.20

    XYZ 10/26/2014 Regular 09.30

    The output will be as below

    EmpName PayDate WageType PayRate

    ABC 10/22/2014 Regular 10.20

    XYZ 10/22/2014 Regular 09.30

    ABC 10/24/2014 Regular 11.50

    ABC 10/26/2014 Regular 10.20

    I have to write query to fetch the data whenever Payrate is changing for particular employee. Distinct can'y be used in this scenario.

    Here for the Employee ABC, Initially payrate is 10.20 then change to 11.50 and again change to 10.20. So three rows need to be shown.

    But for Employee XYZ initially payrate is 09.30 and not changing for further paydates. So XYZ shown only once.

    Could You please suggest me how to write query to get this result..



  • can you share what you have tested and why distinct cannot be used ?

    a simple group by on the 4 columns will also work and may even use available indexes


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  • Hi,

    If I use Distinct it fetches all data due to Unique Paydate. Because payrate change in some of Paydates but not in all PayDates.

    Same thing happen for Group by..

    Due to Paydate I can't use distinct and Group by..


  • Since the date is in your result set, which date to you want it to have ?

    Select EmpName, min( PayDate) as PayDate, WageType, PayRate

    from Whatever

    group by EmpName, WageType, PayRate

    Keep in mind this result set will lack rows if a rate fluctuates over time and is re-used.


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  • Hi,

    In my case the same payrate is is reused after few payrolls. How to fetch those rows also?

    Here I can fetch payrate only once.

    Any suggestions.



  • You could start with something like this. It gives you back almost what you're looking for, it just leaves out the cases where the employee pay rate never changes :

    CREATE TABLE #PayScale



    EmpName VARCHAR(30),

    PayDate DATETIME,

    WageType VARCHAR(30),

    PayRate DECIMAL(18, 2)


    INSERT INTO #PayScale (EmpName, PayDate, WageType, PayRate)

    VALUES ('ABC', '2014-10-22', 'Regular', '10.20')

    INSERT INTO #PayScale (EmpName, PayDate, WageType, PayRate)

    VALUES ('XYZ', '2014-10-22', 'Regular', '9.30')

    INSERT INTO #PayScale (EmpName, PayDate, WageType, PayRate)

    VALUES ('ABC', '2014-10-23', 'Regular', '10.20')

    INSERT INTO #PayScale (EmpName, PayDate, WageType, PayRate)

    VALUES ('ABC', '2014-10-24', 'Regular', '11.50')

    INSERT INTO #PayScale (EmpName, PayDate, WageType, PayRate)

    VALUES ('ABC', '2014-10-25', 'Regular', '11.20')

    INSERT INTO #PayScale (EmpName, PayDate, WageType, PayRate)

    VALUES ('XYZ', '2014-10-25', 'Regular', '9.30')

    INSERT INTO #PayScale (EmpName, PayDate, WageType, PayRate)

    VALUES ('ABC', '2014-10-26', 'Regular', '10.20')

    INSERT INTO #PayScale (EmpName, PayDate, WageType, PayRate)

    VALUES ('XYZ', '2014-10-26', 'Regular', '9.30')


    WITH cte AS


    SELECT p1.*, p2.PayDate AS NextPayDate, p2.WageType AS NextWageType, p2.PayRate AS NextPayRate, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY p1.EmpName, p1.PayDate ORDER BY p2.PayDate ASC) AS rowNum

    FROM #PayScale p1

    LEFT JOIN #PayScale p2 ON p2.PayDate > p1.PayDate AND p2.EmpName = p1.EmpName


    SELECT EmpName, PayDate, PayRate

    FROM cte

    WHERErowNum = 1

    AND NextPayRate <> PayRate

    DROP TABLE #PayScale

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