Linked Servers

  • Hi,

    When I see linked servers under the server objects node from Server A, there is a linked server created to Server B.

    Under that Linked ServerB, I saw server type SQL server and under security they selected Be made using the login's current security context.

    What does it mean?

    I am thinking that

    Any login connecting from Server A, to Server B should connect with same rights he has in Server A

    He doesn't need to have existing login on Server B.

    Is this right?

  • ramana3327 (10/15/2014)


    When I see linked servers under the server objects node from Server A, there is a linked server created to Server B.

    Under that Linked ServerB, I saw server type SQL server and under security they selected Be made using the login's current security context.

    What does it mean?

    I am thinking that

    Any login connecting from Server A, to Server B should connect with same rights he has in Server A

    He doesn't need to have existing login on Server B.

    Is this right?

    No that isn't what will happen. Users on server A who run queries on server B using the linked server will do so using the credentials they used when connecting to Server A. If those credentials don't exist on server b, then the query will not run (no different to attempting to connecting directly to server B using those credentials).

    As for what rights the user would have on server B, that is completely dependent on permissions defined on server B and has absolutely nothing to do with any permissions on server A.

  • so if we want to use this option

    "Be made using the login's current security context"

    The same login has to exists on both servers, server A and server B

  • Yes and no. If the same login exists on both servers, that'll work. But also, if you're a member of GroupA and GroupB, and GroupA has access to ServerA and GroupB has access to ServerB, that will also work.


  • Is it possible that to find a particular login belongs to which group?

    I can see a login created with windows authentication in server A. I am not sure is it included in any group or not in serverA.

    Server A has linked server with B.

    But I didn't see the same login exists on server B.

    so how to find that the login belongs to a group or not in B and as A?

    Here serverA means Sql server, is installed on machine A and Sql server B is installed on machine B.

    It is able to select the data from the linked server but not able to update. They are saying it has update statement will also works?

  • EXEC xp_logininfo 'DomainName\GroupName', 'members'


  • It is throwing error with the msg invalid parameter

  • Time for you to use your favourite search engine to investigate, then. It's a fully documented stored procedure.


  • Hi John,

    Thanks for the help.

    How to find that group.

    We have a login name proddba. So I enter

    exec xp_loginfo 'domainname\proddba', 'all'

    Is that group is different? I am thinking that is windows group .

    I go to the administrative tasks and under the group names I select one of that group and I enter this name in that extended sp but I didn't see any result. Please let me know, how to find that windows groups


  • I see - you want to find out which groups a particular user is a member of, rather than which users are members of a particular group? That's a bit more difficult, although if you have access to the AD administration tools, it should be fairly easy. The stored procedure will only give information about accounts (users and groups) that have access to SQL Server.


  • Thanks John.

    My intention is ServerA login on machine A is accessing data from Server B on machine B.

    I know they created linked server for Server A and Server B but this particular login doesn't exists under the logins of Server B.

    I want to find how that login is accessing data and what kind of permissions it got through linked server. Is it impersonating some other login in server B?

    I hope you understand you can help me with this

  • Have a look at the properties of the linked server, and go the the Security tab. Are there any logins listed in the box at the top? Which of the radio buttons at the bottom is selected?


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