Using OR In Slicer - MDX

  • Hi,

    I need to replicate the following query

    In T-SQL it is

    WHERE (No1 = True OR No2 = True OR No3 = True)

    No1, No2, No3 are different hierarchies of a dimension (True/False values)

    Obviously if I have No1=True, No2=True, No3=True all in the WHERE Slicer in MDX no rows get returned as never can all of them be true,

    I want to be able to say If No1 = True OR No2=True oR No3=True then show me the records.

    I have also tried a CROSSJOIN but it is almost as if I want something like this








    Can anyone help me please? I'd be very grateful.

    It sounds so simple but it is making me tear my own hair out


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