• --Probably easiest would be to put the control values into a separate table, and if necessary use exclusive locks on that table when seeding that table.

    CREATE TABLE dbo.control_table (

    prefix char(1) NOT NULL,

    suffix char(6) NOT NULL,

    control_value AS CAST(prefix + suffix AS char(7)),

    CONSTRAINT control_table__PK PRIMARY KEY ( prefix )




    --after preparing the incrementing code,

    --do an initial load of the current highest values into the control_table


    INSERT INTO dbo.control_table

    SELECT 'A', SUBSTRING(alphanumeric, 2, 6)

    FROM dbo.your_data_table --WITH (TABLOCKX) --if needed to insure you get the highest value

    WHERE alphanumeric LIKE 'A%'

    INSERT INTO dbo.control_table

    SELECT 'C', SUBSTRING(alphanumeric, 2, 6)

    FROM dbo.your_data_table --WITH (TABLOCKX) --if needed to insure you get the highest value

    WHERE alphanumeric LIKE 'C%'


    INSERT INTO dbo.control_table VALUES('C', '004658')


    --code to increment a given prefix

    DECLARE @prefix_to_increment char(1) --set to 'A' or 'C'

    SET @prefix_to_increment = 'C'

    DECLARE @new_value TABLE (

    prefix char(1) NOT NULL,

    suffix char(6) NOT NULL


    UPDATE dbo.control_table WITH (TABLOCKX) --insure only one value assigned at a time

    SET suffix = RIGHT('000000' + CAST(suffix + 1 AS varchar(6)), 6)


    INSERTED.prefix, INSERTED.suffix INTO @new_value


    prefix = @prefix_to_increment

    SELECT TOP (1) prefix + suffix AS new_value

    FROM @new_value

    DROP TABLE dbo.control_table --for testing only, of course

    Edit: Added code tags.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.