FreeText Query - Contains

  • Hello friends,

    I am looking to filter the query using the free text predicate Contains for one of the column that have dimensions of the items. The query is something like

    Select * from sampletable

    where contains(filtercolumn, 'Near("*cm , *cm , *cm , *Kg.",10,True)')

    Data in the filtercolumn is something like 64cm x 25cm x 35cm = 10Kg.

    The query do not return any data. Please advise.

    I also tried running the below query to see if cm* can be searcher for, but with no result again

    Select * from sampletable

    where contains(filtercolumn,, '"cm*"')

    If I do something like below, it does return all columns that have 35cm within the text.

    Select * from sampletable

    where contains(filtercolumn,, '"35cm"')

  • Quick thought, full text search is not going to perform (or even work) when searching for a suffix, probably better off using the LIKE operator here.


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