• Alexander Suprun (9/24/2014)

    Don't need to run a trace, simply use the default one (if enabled). Then you can get ApplicationName and ProcessID.

    Use this query:

    DECLARE @filename VARCHAR(500)

    SELECT @filename = SUBSTRING(path, 0,LEN(path)

    - CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(path)) + 1)+ '\Log.trc'

    FROM sys.traces

    WHERE is_default = 1 ;


    te.Name AS EventName






    ,ClientProcessID AS ProcessID







    FROM fn_trace_gettable(@fileName, DEFAULT) gt

    INNER JOIN sys.trace_events te ON EventClass = te.trace_event_id

    WHERE EventClass IN(20) -- Audit Login Failed

    ORDER BY StartTime DESC

    Perfect! Thanks!