• atultiwari.eng06 (9/17/2014)

    Tablename Consumer:

    ID Resource

    119319004 RG

    119319004 MI

    119319005 RG

    119319005 MI

    119319005 BT

    119319006 RG

    I want id whose Resource is only RG and MI that's(119319004)



    Please reply..

    Could you do something like:

    with cte1 as (select id, count(*) from mtable where mtable.resource in ('rg', 'mi')

    group by id having count(*) = 2)

    select id

    from mtable

    inner join cte1 on mtable.id = cte1.id ;

    I know this may or may not work for you as written but maybe it will give you an idea.