• Thanks for your reply!

    i_amhers (9/11/2014)Shared Memory Protocol is going to be default/best practice IF and ONLY IF the application and database is on the same server

    Yes, this part is obvious. And yes, I am connecting to the local machine.

    i_amhers (9/11/2014)I think even when they are both on the same server Named Pipes can out perform shared memory protocol.

    This is questionable, but the point is moot. For some reason my connection prefers the TCP protocol as the default one.

    i_amhers (9/11/2014)So my thought here - if you are burning for a clear answer I would imagine you need to dig into what the configuration types do, and verify in newer SQL versions it isn't trying to use something else by default if it thinks it will perform better.

    Hmm, well, this is 2008 R2, and we have a bunch of workstations and server machines that also have 2008 R2, and my machine is the odd one out behaving like this.

    I will consider creating a separate thread, thank you!