• A good script that I have used a few times. Just found out today that because it is based on profiles (inner join ...) it does not script accounts that don't have a profile. I added the following ...

    -- Accounts without profiles (added 4-Sep-2014)

    SELECT @TheResults = @TheResults + '


    -- BEGIN Mail Settings ' + a.name + ' (no profile)


    IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_account WHERE name = ''' + a.name + ''')


    --CREATE Account [' + a.name + ']

    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_account_sp

    @account_name = ' + CASE WHEN a.name IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + a.name + '''' END + ',

    @email_address = ' + CASE WHEN a.email_address IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + a.email_address + '''' END + ',

    @display_name = ' + CASE WHEN a.display_name IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + a.display_name + '''' END + ',

    @replyto_address = ' + CASE WHEN a.replyto_address IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + a.replyto_address + '''' END + ',

    @description = ' + CASE WHEN a.description IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + a.description + '''' END + ',

    @mailserver_name = ' + CASE WHEN s.servername IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + s.servername + '''' END + ',

    @mailserver_type = ' + CASE WHEN s.servertype IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + s.servertype + '''' END + ',

    @port = ' + CASE WHEN s.port IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,s.port) + '''' END + ',

    @username = ' + CASE WHEN c.credential_identity IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''' + c.credential_identity + '''' END + ',

    @password = ' + CASE WHEN c.credential_identity IS NULL THEN ' NULL ' ELSE + '''NotTheRealPassword''' END + ',

    @use_default_credentials = ' + CASE WHEN s.use_default_credentials = 1 THEN ' 1 ' ELSE ' 0 ' END + ',

    @enable_ssl = ' + CASE WHEN s.enable_ssl = 1 THEN ' 1 ' ELSE ' 0 ' END + ';

    END --IF EXISTS account


    -- Drop Settings For ' + a.name + '



    IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_account WHERE name = ''' + a.name + ''')


    EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_delete_account_sp @account_name = ''' + a.name + '''




    FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_account a

    LEFT JOIN msdb.dbo.sysmail_profileaccount pa ON a.account_id = pa.account_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN msdb.dbo.sysmail_server s ON a.account_id = s.account_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.credentials c ON s.credential_id = c.credential_id

    WHERE pa.profile_id IS NULL