• Indu-649576 (9/2/2014)

    twin.devil (9/2/2014)

    Indu-649576 (9/2/2014)

    IS there any way I can use the below

    Select X.* From TABLE X


    (case when (condition) then TABLE A else TABLE B end) AS Y

    ON X.Col1 = Y.Col1

    you will get syntax error if you try to execute this in simple tsql. However, Yes you can do it but in dynamic tsql something like this.

    Declare @Query as nvarchar(max) = 'Select X.* From TABLE X INNER JOIN '

    + (case when (condition) then 'TABLE A' else 'TABLE B' end

    + ' AS Y ON X.Col1 = Y.Col1




    I don't think dynamic also works...Can u try with some simple tables in ur db using dynamic[/quote]

    I assumed your scenario like this, on a given condition choose either TableA or TableB (Both tables contain Col1). If this is true dynamic sql does work. Following is the example to help you understand this.

    USE tempdb


    Create table TableA (Col1 Int)

    Create table TableB (Col1 Int)

    Create table TableX (Col1 Int)

    Declare @Query AS NVARCHAR(MAX)

    Insert into TableX

    Select 1 union all

    select 3 union all

    select 5

    Insert into TableA

    Select 1 union all

    select 2 union all

    select 3

    Insert into TableB

    Select 4 union all

    select 5 union all

    select 6

    ------------- For TableA

    Select @Query = 'Select X.* From TableX AS X Inner join ' + (Case WHEN 1 = 1 THEN 'TableA' ELSE 'TableB' END) + ' AS Y ON Y.Col1 = X.Col1'

    Print (@Query)

    Exec sp_executesql @Query

    ------------- For TableB

    Select @Query = 'Select X.* From TableX AS X Inner join ' + (Case WHEN 1 = 0 THEN 'TableA' ELSE 'TableB' END) + ' AS Y ON Y.Col1 = X.Col1'

    Print (@Query)

    Exec sp_executesql @Query

    Drop table TableA

    Drop table TableB

    Drop table TableX