Approach for rebuilding indexes on MDF with maxsize configured

  • Hi,

    I need to estimate a disk space to rebuild a very fragmented index. I know, that I must to have the enough space to cover my index data size.

    But, my doubt is:

    My database has 8 mdf files and one ldf.

    For the first 7 mdf files, each one has 400gb with maxsize configured to 400gb in storage volumes of 430gb each.

    And the last mdf file with 200gb configured to max size to 400gb.

    My index has 210gb size.

    I don't know where my index was created (in the case, on which mdf file).

    I have one LDF file of 20gb on storage volume of 600gb.

    So... when I execute the rebuild, what could happened?

    Does the process could requires, an aditional space avaiable on the mdf files configured with max size?

    Does I need to give more space to the last mdf file?

    Thank you guys

  • You can do this:

    1. script out the index

    2. Drop it.

    3. Create from the script from (1).

    In this case you don't need any new space.

  • Lol.... thank you... ashuashu... really... obvious... drop and create... 😛

    Thank you.. 😉

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