XML and Geography Data types within an Index

  • While running missing index script I came across a few indexes that use XML and Geography data types. Never really used these before and am looking for advice.

    XML and Geography data types within Included columns of an index, what is the best practise around this. They seem to be pretty big data types which will add extra overhead and space when part of the included columns of an index. I am not looking to make them part of the Index Key.

    My gut feeling is to avoid using them.

  • Talib123 (8/27/2014)

    While running missing index script I came across a few indexes that use XML and Geography data types. Never really used these before and am looking for advice.

    XML and Geography data types within Included columns of an index, what is the best practise around this. They seem to be pretty big data types which will add extra overhead and space when part of the included columns of an index. I am not looking to make them part of the Index Key.

    My gut feeling is to avoid using them.

    Quick thought, avoid including those in an index unless it is absolutely certain that the values will always be small, such as single geography point or a single element XML snip.


  • Yeah. Thanks I did feel that these should not be included

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