• Thank you all for your replies 🙂

    Before copying any create or insert data, here is an example

    Select * from Culture --2327 rows

    Select * from Trial --6793 rows

    Select * from CultureStep --13957 rows

    Select * from Culture inner join Trial on Culture.CultureID = Trial.CultureID --6785

    Select * from (Culture inner join Trial on Culture.CultureID = Trial.CultureID) inner join CultureStep

    on Culture.CultureID=CultureStep.CultureID --39661

    How come when the first join yields 6785 rows when inner joined with culturestep which has 13957 rows , this would yield row number greater than both (39661)?!

    I am not very good at this , kindly explain with details and/or refer me to a good example to clear all kinds of joins and help me understand what results to expect 🙂