Holy Case Statements Batman!<!-- 864 -->

  • Here's the scenario... I have two tables.

    1. OriginalItem

    2. AlternateRecommendations

    For each OriginalItem, I need to come up with up to eight alternate recommendations.

    Currently my query looks something like:



    ,(Case When [BestMatch].[RecNumber]=1 Then [BestMatch].[AlternateItem] Else Null End) [Alt1]

    (Case When [NestBestMatch].[RecNumber]=2 Then [NextBestMatch].[AlternateItem] Else Null End) [Alt2]

    From OriginalItem

    Left Join

    (Select * From

    (Select ItemCode As OriginalItem,


    Row_Number() over (Partition by ItemCode Order by Date desc) as RecNumber

    From AlternateRecommendations) As [RecommendationRank]

    Where RecNumber = 1) As BestMatch

    On BestMatch.OriginalItem = OriginalItem.ItemCode

    Left Join

    (Select * From

    (Select ItemCode As OriginalItem,


    Row_Number() over (Partition by ItemCode Order by Date desc) as RecNumber

    From AlternateRecommendations) As [RecommendationRank]

    Where RecNumber = 2) As NextBestMatch

    On NextBestMatch.OriginalItem = OriginalItem.ItemCode

    Obviously, this isn't very maintainable, I'd have to have eight left joins and eight case statements to come up with all necessary recommendations.

    Any suggestions on a better solution?

  • Not enough to work with here. If you could post the DDL (CREATE TABE statement) for the two tables, some sample data for the tables (INSERT INTO statements), and the expected results based on the sample data I am sure we can help you with your query.

    If you need some help with the above information, please read the first article I have referenced below in my signature block. It will walk you through what you should post and how to post it to get the best possible answers.

  • Hi

    You could try

    WITH RecommendationRank AS (

    SELECT ItemCode As OriginalItem,


    Row_Number() over (Partition by ItemCode Order by Date desc) as RecNumber

    From AlternateRecommendations




    ,MAX(CASE WHEN r.RecNumber = 1 THEN r.AlternateItem ELSE NULL END) Alt1

    ,MAX(CASE WHEN r.RecNumber = 2 THEN r.AlternateItem ELSE NULL END) Alt2

    ,MAX(CASE WHEN r.RecNumber = 3 THEN r.AlternateItem ELSE NULL END) Alt3

    ,MAX(CASE WHEN r.RecNumber = 4 THEN r.AlternateItem ELSE NULL END) Alt4

    ,MAX(CASE WHEN r.RecNumber = 5 THEN r.AlternateItem ELSE NULL END) Alt5

    ,MAX(CASE WHEN r.RecNumber = 6 THEN r.AlternateItem ELSE NULL END) Alt6

    ,MAX(CASE WHEN r.RecNumber = 7 THEN r.AlternateItem ELSE NULL END) Alt7

    ,MAX(CASE WHEN r.RecNumber = 8 THEN r.AlternateItem ELSE NULL END) Alt8

    FROM OriginalItem o

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP 8 * FROM RecommendationRank r WHERE o.ItemCode = r.ItemCode ORDER BY r.RecNumber) a

    GROUP BY o.ItemCode;

  • Brilliant mickyT!

    This solved my problem! Thank you sooooooooo much!

  • No problem, glad to help

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