Warehouse data design for time-sheet management data.

  • Please suggest :

    I have to design a warehouse(DW) database for time-sheet management.

    Here is the OLTP Transaction data arrangement

    1-ProjectType ->(ID),ProjectTypeName

    2-ProjectTable ->(ID),ProjectTypeID,ProjectName

    3-Employee ->(ID),EmployeeName,EmployeeAddress3

    4-Division ->(ID),DivisionName

    4-TimesheetMain -> (ID),EmployeeID,fromDate,todate

    5-TimeSheetDetail -> (ID),TimeSheetMainID,HrsSpent,ProjectID

    Am I planning correctly ?

    DimDate (id,timeKey,year)

    Dim_Project (ID,ProjectID,ProjectTypeName,ProjectName)

    Dim_Employee (ID,EmployeeID,EmployeeName,DivisionName)

    fact_time (SurrogateKey,Dim_Employee.ID,Dim_Project.ID,fromdate,ToDate,HrsSpent,TimeKey)

    Please suggest a good design.

    Thanks once again, ...!!!

  • Can anybody suggest me on this ?

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