• I agree withGary's first comment above; views are not a patch on stored procedures as a mechanism for preotecting the schema from becoming frozen/unchangeable because the apps depend on knowing its exact structure. Stored procedures do a much better job of this. Anyone who has read my other posts on defending the schema from being frozent by the app is alreadyaware of my views on this.

    Someone else pointed out that it's impossible to update views that involve more than one table. That's an implementation restriction, there's nothing in relational theory that prevents update through views involving multiple tables provided it's computationally possible to determine exactly which rows in which tables are involved in the update; but the general problem "is this update on this view possible" is Turing-undecidable (proved by Buff in 1986) so Codd's original Rule 6 had to be modified to avoid saying that all possible updates through views had be valid and say instead that the system had to decide which updates would be valid, and all the implementations are very lazy about this, for example T-SQL says only updates to seingle table views can be valid. That means that any update that involves two tables has to be done by the app as two sepaate updates if views are used unless INSTEAD OF triggers are used to get round this poblem, which suggests that using views to separate the schema from the app forces you either to use triggers or to have multiple queries from the app to do the update, each of which is undesirable. Using stored procedures to separate the schema from the app doesn't cause this problem. The delete case is even worse that the update case - almost no deletions on multi-table views are possible. So using views is usually going to cause performance problems unless you use triggers, and it's at least as easy to write a set of stored procedures as it is to write a set of triggers.

    Performance can be an issue too. Stored procedures tend to beat views there. They also win on security - if apps have access only to stored procedures it's very easy to make sure that parameters are not misused so than injection attacks are impossible. Using views doesn't help with that at all.

    Of course it can be useful to provide the apps with some views - indexed views can sometimes give a big performance boost; but it's not a good idea to let the app have direct access to them.
