• just a thought...but appears to work, but maybe I am not entirely clear on the issue

    IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb..#Redondeo') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Redondeo

    CREATE TABLE #Redondeo (

    Orden INT Identity(1, 1)

    , Valores MONEY


    INSERT INTO #Redondeo

    SELECT 71374.24 UNION

    SELECT 16455.92 UNION

    SELECT 56454.20 UNION

    SELECT 9495.18 UNION

    SELECT 23894.20

    SELECT Orden

    , Valores

    ,round (Valores * 0.21,2) as rnd

    FROM #Redondeo

    SELECT Orden

    , Valores

    ,round (Valores * 0.21,2) as rnd

    into #testsum

    FROM #Redondeo

    SELECT SUM(rnd) AS sumbyrow

    FROM #testsum

    SELECT SUM(ROUND(Valores * 0.21, 2)) AS sumrnd

    FROM #Redondeo

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day