• The select won't return the results to your current SSMS window. The system will run the sql statements in their seperate SPIDs. So you'll see nothing.

    The typical scenarios is like this -- You can create a table (or a global temp table ##tmp), and make the stored procedure to insert their partial results to the table. After all partial works have been completed, use select * from the table to get the combined results.

    jxhopper (5/18/2014)

    For example... If I create the following stored procedure:

    create procedure test


    select * from sys.databases waitfor delay '00:00:30'

    and then run this:

    declare @rc int

    exec @rc=sp_exec_init 8

    if (@rc=0) begin

    exec sp_exec 'exec test'

    exec sp_exec 'exec test'

    exec sp_exec 'exec test'


    exec sp_exec_end

    It just runs and doesn't do anything. No error, no activity. Can you not call another stored procedure as the sql statement?