• Herman van Midden (5/4/2014)


    I am using SSDT to manage projects for which I am deploying different versions for each customer, based on the same main code.

    I have solutions for the following issues:

    - Versioning, deploying is only allowed to a database with a higher or equal version.

    - Version drift is monitored

    - Can deploy s versionusing SSDT or generate deploy scripts

    - Can deploy database changes as well as static data.

    All in all, it is still being developed. with every deploy I am improving my scheme.ž

    To write an article, or better a series of articles, I will need some time.

    When you are interested I will consider it.



    I'd be interested if you are. I might ask that you focus on how you do one part of this. Maybe shart with how you determine what is deployed? Then maybe a piece on how to watch drift and check versions?