
  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item buffer_memory_mgt

  • Did you know that if you comment out USE dbname, your results include buffer information at each of the database levels on your server. THen you also get specific object results at the database in which you are running the query(connected to).

    So, not sure what the need is to change the dbname, it gives no results if you are connected to master then change the use dbname to another app database.

    examble, gave no results when I used

    USE <UDS>; -- change this to the database you want to find the largest buffer objects


  • Patrick,

    Thanks for taking the time and effort to make this script available to us. I find it very useful.

    However, the first section will not work in SQL 2012. The "total pages" counter for the Buffer Manager object no longer exists in sys.dm_os_performance_counters.

    Thanks again.


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