• Greg Edwards-268690 (4/20/2014)

    Bucket List Challenge - teach Jim to Filet a fish properly.

    I'll keep trying, but I may fail miserably.

    Fillet "a fish" is not a good test. I can fillet brown trout, dover sole, lemon sole, sea trout, see bass, hake, lythe, saithe, and salmon (and a few other NE Atlantic and Mediterranean fish whose English names I dont know) because they are worth filleting. I can also fillet rainbow trout, but most Americans and Canadians who know me think I can't because my method of filleting it doesn't separate any bits (I just chuck the whole fish in the rubbish bin). I haven't a clue how to fillet the sort of stuff that you guys catch (well, maybe my rainbow trout treatment would be appropriate, but maybe not) but I don't think that detracts from my dba abilities, because actually, I have no dba abilites to detract from - I'm totally aganst this over-specialisation thing that invented dbas - but I have to admit I'm probably overspecialised when it comes to fish filleting.
