• Greg Edwards-268690 (4/19/2014)

    Lynn Pettis (4/19/2014)

    It is amazing what crap advice people (Gail NOT included) give to others when they ask for help regarding suspect databases.

    I particularly like the fact that the thread was 6 years old.

    And why it went suspect was key to how to plan recovery.

    I wonder if a check engine light comes on, if some of them just pull the motor and get one out of a junk yard as a first attempt to fix? 🙂

    Steve -

    Although attention to details is part of or job, I wonder if something could be done at some time to at least pop up a message that the thread is so old when someone goes to reply.

    Hate to see something that old churning up that kind of advice.

    Especially on top of the correct starting point.

    Hope everyone enjoys the Holiday weekend, if it is one they celebrate.

    Check Engine Light? First stop is AutoZone to have them tell me what the problem is. Costs me nothing at that point.