• Well, I answered my own question, which I will share here in case it is of use to anyone else.

    My situation is that I had a very long list of StudentID's as a multi-valued parameter is SSRS (2008)--so long that it could sometimes exceed the 8000 char limit for using varchar as a datatype in my stored procedure. All I care about here are the StudentID's (parameter value), not their names (parameter label).

    I added the following code to the custom code block in Report Properties in SSRS:

    Function StrParmToXML(ByVal obj As parameter) As String

    Dim strXML as String

    Dim i As Integer

    strXML = ""

    If obj.IsMultiValue then

    For i = 0 To obj.count - 1

    strXML = strXML & "<M>" & Cstr(obj.Value(i)) & "</M>"



    strXML = strXML & "<M>" & Cstr(obj.Value(i)) & "</M>"

    End IF

    Return strXML

    End Function

    In the dataset that calls my stored procedure, I invoke this function as an expression for the Student parameter that is passed to the sp:


    On the SQL side, I parse the xml parameter to table rows using the following function:

    create function [dbo].[fn_xml_to_table] (@parmxml xml) RETURNS TABLE



    with name_cte as


    select @parmxml as Names


    name_parse_rows as



    ltrim(rtrim(Split.a.value('.', 'VARCHAR(100)'))) AS item

    from name_cte

    CROSS APPLY Names.nodes('/M') Split(a)

    ) select * from name_parse_rows

    I then invoke the function to select all students using the following sql statement:




    from v_Students

    where UserID IN (select item from dbo.fn_xml_to_table(@xmlUserList_in));
