• Sorry for the late reply, I have been busy.

    Here is how I would solve it using TSQL:

    -- create temp table

    CREATE TABLE #viewReportMonitorCounterLog

    ([Machine] VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL

    ,[Counter Instance] VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL

    ,[Counter Object] VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL

    ,[Value] NUMERIC(4,2) NOT NULL


    -- populate temp table with sample values

    INSERT INTO #viewReportMonitorCounterLog([Machine],[Counter Instance],[Counter Object],[Value])

    VALUES ('Server 1','C:','A',70.00)

    ,('Server 1','C:','B',61.87)

    ,('Server 1','E:','A',84.64)

    ,('Server 2','C:','A',37.27)

    ,('Server 2','D:','A',57.00)

    ,('Server 2','E:','A',55.61)

    ,('Server 3','C:','A',20.00)

    ,('Server 3','E:','A',46.89);

    --SELECT * FROM #viewReportMonitorCounterLog;

    -- calculate average values per counter instance



    ,[Counter Instance]

    ,[Avg Value] = AVG([Value])

    FROM #viewReportMonitorCounterLog

    GROUP BY [Machine], [Counter Instance];

    -- calculate critical utilisation

    WITH cte_AvgValue AS




    ,[Counter Instance]

    ,[Avg Value] = AVG([Value])

    FROM #viewReportMonitorCounterLog

    GROUP BY [Machine], [Counter Instance]

    ) -- same select as before

    ,cte_Criticals AS


    SELECT [Machine], MaxValue = MAX([Avg Value]) -- get the highest average value for the current machine

    FROM cte_AvgValue

    GROUP BY [Machine]

    HAVING MAX([Avg Value]) >= 80.00 -- only keep the machines that are critical


    SELECT [Number of Machines Exceeding Critical Utilisation Values] = COUNT(*)

    FROM cte_Criticals;

    DROP TABLE #viewReportMonitorCounterLog;

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