Report Builder 3.0 Expression count

  • I have got a dataset which is pulling monitoring counter values for logical drives, ram and cpu for multiple machines. From this I have created a table which groups the counters by machine and then gives the max, min and average for each counter instance per machine and then highlights any over 80%

    What I now need to do is perform a count of how many machines have a counter which is over 80% and I am going around in circles trying to figure this out. I need something along the lines of: for each machine (if counter instance has avg value > 80, True) Count true

  • What is your data source?

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  • Its an sql database

  • This is something you can easily add in the source query with a CASE statement.

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  • I have got:





    ,viewReportMonitorCounterLog.[Counter Object]


    ,viewReportMonitorCounterLog.[Counter Instance]

    ,"Critical Utilisation" = CASE

    WHEN viewReportMonitorCounterLog.[Value] >= 80 THEN 1

    WHEN viewReportMonitorCounterLog.[Value] < 80 THEN 0






    Should it possible in the case statement to use AVG(viewReportMonitorCounterLog.[Value]) >= 80 THEN 1 etc? I set that and then I was getting the following error:

    TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder


    An error occurred while executing the query.

    Column 'viewReportMonitorCounterLog.agentGuid' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

  • If you want to calculate aggregates in your query, you need to use a GROUP BY clause.

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  • Where would the Group By statement go?

  • I was rereading your original question, and I need some more info.

    You said first you would like to have a count of how many machines have a value over 80%. (What is a machine btw, is it viewReportMonitorCounterLog.ComputerName?)

    Buy you also want to calculate the average. Over all the machines? Or over viewReportMonitorCounterLog.[Counter Instance]? Does [Counter Instance] have multiple rows in the data set?

    Maybe you can give some sample data and your desired output.

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  • Yes a machine is viewReportMonitorCounterLog.ComputerName.

    The avg needs to be calculated per counter instance per machine - ie avg of c drive values for machine 1, avg of c drive values for machine 2 etc and if any counter instance average is over 80 on one machine that machine is then counted, if no counter instances average above 80, this machine is ignored.

    For example:

    Machine Counter Instance Avg Value

    Server 1 c: 65.27

    Server 1 E: 84.64

    Server 2 C: 37.27

    Server 2 D: 57.00

    Server 2 E: 55.61

    Server 3 C: 20.00

    Server 3 E: 46.89

    I'm trying to get an output which is just 1 row in a table:

    'Number of Machines Exceeding Critical Utilisation Values' '1'

  • Sorry for the late reply, I have been busy.

    Here is how I would solve it using TSQL:

    -- create temp table

    CREATE TABLE #viewReportMonitorCounterLog

    ([Machine] VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL

    ,[Counter Instance] VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL

    ,[Counter Object] VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL

    ,[Value] NUMERIC(4,2) NOT NULL


    -- populate temp table with sample values

    INSERT INTO #viewReportMonitorCounterLog([Machine],[Counter Instance],[Counter Object],[Value])

    VALUES ('Server 1','C:','A',70.00)

    ,('Server 1','C:','B',61.87)

    ,('Server 1','E:','A',84.64)

    ,('Server 2','C:','A',37.27)

    ,('Server 2','D:','A',57.00)

    ,('Server 2','E:','A',55.61)

    ,('Server 3','C:','A',20.00)

    ,('Server 3','E:','A',46.89);

    --SELECT * FROM #viewReportMonitorCounterLog;

    -- calculate average values per counter instance



    ,[Counter Instance]

    ,[Avg Value] = AVG([Value])

    FROM #viewReportMonitorCounterLog

    GROUP BY [Machine], [Counter Instance];

    -- calculate critical utilisation

    WITH cte_AvgValue AS




    ,[Counter Instance]

    ,[Avg Value] = AVG([Value])

    FROM #viewReportMonitorCounterLog

    GROUP BY [Machine], [Counter Instance]

    ) -- same select as before

    ,cte_Criticals AS


    SELECT [Machine], MaxValue = MAX([Avg Value]) -- get the highest average value for the current machine

    FROM cte_AvgValue

    GROUP BY [Machine]

    HAVING MAX([Avg Value]) >= 80.00 -- only keep the machines that are critical


    SELECT [Number of Machines Exceeding Critical Utilisation Values] = COUNT(*)

    FROM cte_Criticals;

    DROP TABLE #viewReportMonitorCounterLog;

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