Calculating measure for the current month of Previous Year

  • Hello,

    I would like to calculate measures in MDX for the current month of the previous year.

    Example : Today, we are the 20/03/2014.

    My measure Nb Open Days n-1 will be the aggregation of my measure Nb Open Days still the 20/03/2013.

    I have build my calculation like this :



    ({Existing [Time].[Date].Children},

    {PARALLELPERIOD([Time].[Year - Month - Date].[Year],


    [Time].[Year - Month - Date].CURRENTMEMBER)


    ),[Measures].[Nb Jour Ouvré])

    Through the browser, when I put my different attributes in the body of my query, it works.

    But for the time attribute "Day_Week" which contains the day of the week (monday, tuesday...), it doesn't work.

    The browser displays only "(null)" value.

    I don't understand why ? Someone can help me ?

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