data providers unavailable to vs

  • Hi. We run 2012 enterprise with vs2010. I have inherited a w7 machine whose vs 2010 installation seems to have all the SSIS tool box items but complains when trying to save an oledb destination saying (or from other angles data providers) cant be found. I dont see anywhere in vs2010 (shell) to set references. I do believe i see various .net framework 4 features installed on this machine. Does the communityy believe some part of the framework wasnt installed? Or maybe vs wasnt installed completely? Or maybe I need to do something in GAC? Flat file connector seems fine. This is my first real dive into vs2010. Previous experience is with bids 2008 which as i recall was installed right off the sql media.

  • stanteitelbaum (12/4/2013)

    Hi. We run 2012 enterprise with vs2010. I have inherited a w7 machine whose vs 2010 installation seems to have all the SSIS tool box items but complains when trying to save an oledb destination saying (or from other angles data providers) cant be found. I dont see anywhere in vs2010 (shell) to set references. I do believe i see various .net framework 4 features installed on this machine. Does the communityy believe some part of the framework wasnt installed? Or maybe vs wasnt installed completely? Or maybe I need to do something in GAC? Flat file connector seems fine. This is my first real dive into vs2010. Previous experience is with bids 2008 which as i recall was installed right off the sql media.

    Hi - it would probably be helpful if you were to post the full error message.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • sure.

    When indicating conn mgr is new in edit mode on destination component in data flow, "the new connection manager could not be created. Additional Information: The DbProviderFactories section can only appear once per config file".

    When rt clicking in conn mgr tab and choosong new oledb conn, "The new connection manager could not be created. Additional Information: Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be installed. (System.Data)"

  • its looking more and more to me like vs's list of "add in/macros security" paths isnt turning up the necessary xml file where the key to finding (framework's sql data layer class) is supposed to be found. I see this list of 7 token based paths under tools->options...

    my head is spinning a bit but the few paths i could figure out and follow showed no .addin extension xml files. I am not sure if a repair or reinstall (or something else like an environment variable change) is indicated here. From what I read, this stuff is supposed to be set up automatically at install. And therefore something a developer like me doesnt want to touch.

  • repairing (without uninstall) just vs2010 from the installer didnt do the trick. Back to the drawing board.

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