Try to add a column

  • Hello SQL Guru's

    Im trying to add a column in a table but i get the following error;

    Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'incident_id', table 'DWH.dbo.incident'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    I use the following syntax to add the column ( I copy a previous column from a other table ) ;


    INSERT INTO DWH.DBO.incident (incident_ref)

    SELECT incident_ref

    FROM incident;


    I create column as follow;

    alter table incident

    add incident_ref varchar(25)

    See picture1 how my table original table looks

    and picture2 how my table look like now

  • Do I forget something to tell ??

  • It looks like your insert statement is failing as that's the primary key for the table and it will not allow NULL values.

  • Do you think if I change the Primary table to Null will it fix it ??

    And can I make it agian NOT NULL

  • No I don't. I think you need to revisit what you are trying to do.

    Perhaps you should be UPDATE'ing that field? Your INSERT statement implies you just want to insert 1 column into the table, which is just going to keep failing as you're missing all other columns with NOT NULL constraints.

  • You're inserting a value into incident_ref.

    You're primary key (incident_id) is not set as an identity so you need to insert a unique value since you cannot have a NULL primary key.

  • Knight (12/3/2013)

    No I don't. I think you need to revisit what you are trying to do.

    Perhaps you should be UPDATE'ing that field? Your INSERT statement implies you just want to insert 1 column into the table, which is just going to keep failing as you're missing all other columns with NOT NULL constraints.

    Looking at the screen shot there are no NOT NULL columns other than the primary key.

  • Dooh! Pict 1 old! Pict 2 new!

    anyway, still think the inserts wrong unless you just want everything else empty. If it was an identity column though surely you wouldn't receive this error.

  • Knight (12/3/2013)

    If it was an identity column though surely you wouldn't receive this error.

    Eureka! 😀

  • MysteryJimbo (12/3/2013)

    You're inserting a value into incident_ref.

    You're primary key (incident_id) is not set as an identity so you need to insert a unique value since you cannot have a NULL primary key.

    What kind of query can I use in this situation;

    Indetity ON Table incident

    alter table incident_ref

    add column ...

    Give me some examples

  • karim.boulahfa (12/3/2013)

    MysteryJimbo (12/3/2013)

    You're inserting a value into incident_ref.

    You're primary key (incident_id) is not set as an identity so you need to insert a unique value since you cannot have a NULL primary key.

    What kind of query can I use in this situation;

    Indetity ON Table incident

    alter table incident_ref

    add column ...

    Give me some examples

    It is not clear what you are trying to do here. Are you wanting to allow inserting of identity values?


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  • karim.boulahfa (12/3/2013)

    MysteryJimbo (12/3/2013)

    You're inserting a value into incident_ref.

    You're primary key (incident_id) is not set as an identity so you need to insert a unique value since you cannot have a NULL primary key.

    What kind of query can I use in this situation;

    Indetity ON Table incident

    alter table incident_ref

    add column ...

    Give me some examples

    That depends on what Incident_id is. Is it a natural primary key or is it simply intended to be an incremental number?

    If its meant to be an incremental number and has no bearing on the data, I would recreate table with the primary key set as IDENTITY(1,1) (or some other setting, such as a negative integer. I suggest you do research).

    Also, this query looks like it could be wrong in someway as you are only moving one column (possibly into another database). Can you confirm what you are trying to do?

    INSERT INTO DWH.DBO.incident (incident_ref)

    SELECT incident_ref

    FROM incident;


    It should be this

    INSERT INTO DWH.DBO.incident (incident_id, incident_ref)

    SELECT incident_id, incident_ref

    FROM incident;


    /*Or maybe */



    SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.incident ON


    INSERT INTO DBO.incident (incident_id, incident_ref)

    SELECT incident_id, incident_ref

    FROM /*insert source db name and schema*/incident;


    SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.incident OFF


  • MysteryJimbo (12/3/2013)

    karim.boulahfa (12/3/2013)

    MysteryJimbo (12/3/2013)

    You're inserting a value into incident_ref.

    You're primary key (incident_id) is not set as an identity so you need to insert a unique value since you cannot have a NULL primary key.

    What kind of query can I use in this situation;

    Indetity ON Table incident

    alter table incident_ref

    add column ...

    Give me some examples

    That depends on what Incident_id is. Is it a natural primary key or is it simply intended to be an incremental number?

    If its meant to be an incremental number and has no bearing on the data, I would recreate table with the primary key set as IDENTITY(1,1) (or some other setting, such as a negative integer. I suggest you do research).

    Also, this query looks like it could be wrong in someway as you are only moving one column (possibly into another database). Can you confirm what you are trying to do?

    INSERT INTO DWH.DBO.incident (incident_ref)

    SELECT incident_ref

    FROM incident;


    It should be this

    INSERT INTO DWH.DBO.incident (incident_id, incident_ref)

    SELECT incident_id, incident_ref

    FROM incident;


    /*Or maybe */



    SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.incident ON


    INSERT INTO DBO.incident (incident_id, incident_ref)

    SELECT incident_id, incident_ref

    FROM /*insert source db name and schema*/incident;


    SET IDENTITY_INSERT dbo.incident OFF


    Yes I confirm. That is the only thing what Im doing.

    I try the 2 qeurys but I getting this error;

    Msg 515, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

    Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'inc_status', table 'DWH.dbo.incident'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    The statement has been terminated.

  • Well your table definition has changed then as this doesn't match the 2nd picture you posted. i.e. that column should allow NULLs according to picture, but it doesn't...

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