MDX to exclude and filter sets

  • For several days, I've been trying to write mdx select correctly, but the result I get every time is either more than the right number or an error.

    I have to count my orders but exclude orders with Customer Flag 1 in Year 2010.

    Basically, I have a Fact table with Orders + DIM Customer + DIM Date. Than I have:

    WITH MEMBER [count] as count(exists([DIM ORDERS].[ORDERS ID].children,

    {EXCEPT([DIM CUSTOMER].[FLAG].children,FILTER([DIM CUSTOMER].[FLAG].&[1] ,[DIM CUSTOMER].[FLAG].currentmember IS [DIM_DATE].[YEAR].&[2010]))},



    SELECT [count] on 0

    from [Cube]

    Where am I going wrong? Is this a correct MDX for my task. Please help me.

  • I had a similar thing once where I had to so a sum of a count only for an unknown year and excluding certain statuses.

    I did this

    SUM({(FILTER([Repair Date].[Year].MEMBERS,[Repair Date].[Year].CURRENTMEMBER.NAME = 'Unknown'),

    EXCEPT([Status].[Status].[Status], {[Status].[Status].&[Closed],[Status].[Status].&[Deleted]}))}

    ,[Measures].[My Measure])

    Hope that helps 🙂

    I'm on LinkedIn

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