Concatenate column values as single value SQL Server 2008

  • have a table with a column:


    | ColumnName |

    |------------- |

    | Value One |

    | Value Two |

    | Value Three |

    | Value Four |

    | Value Five |


    I will declare a variable,

    DECLARE @ColumnNameList VARCHAR(MAX)

    and I need the below value(concatenated) in my variable

    'Value One,Value Two,Value Three,Value Four,Value Five'

    Can anyone help me out in doing this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • It looks like you are trying to create a comma separated list of values? Check out this article.[/url]


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  • You are trying to concatenate rows in a column, not columns. there is a difference

  • Try this

    declare @ColumnNameList VARCHAR(MAX)

    SELECT @ColumnNameList = COALESCE(@ColumnNameList +',' ,'') + ColumnName


    <<table name>>

    select @ColumnNameList

  • $w@t (11/27/2013)

    Try this

    declare @ColumnNameList VARCHAR(MAX)

    SELECT @ColumnNameList = COALESCE(@ColumnNameList +',' ,'') + ColumnName


    <<table name>>

    select @ColumnNameList

    +1 🙂

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • $w@t (11/27/2013)

    Try this

    declare @ColumnNameList VARCHAR(MAX)

    SELECT @ColumnNameList = COALESCE(@ColumnNameList +',' ,'') + ColumnName


    <<table name>>

    select @ColumnNameList

    While this works for the specific case described by the OP, indexing on the table might impact the order the rows are concatenated in. I suggest you take a look at the link provided by Sean to Wayne Sheffield's article for a much more generally useful solution.

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