How to filter customer by if they purchase on multiple dates?

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to figure out how to find "Unique Customer" who are classified as "Repeat Customer".

    "Unique Customer" is correct: DISTINCTCOUNT(TableA[customer])

    "Repeat Customer" Definition: Customers who have more than one records from distinct SalesDateID

    Here's the DAX I have, but is not doing what I described above. It is returning the same value as Unique Customer. I logic is find the unique customer first, then use FILTER function to return customers who have distinct count of SalesDateID > 1. Let me know what could be wrong below? Or if you have better ways of constructing the DAX.

    CALCULATE(DISTINCTCOUNT(TableA[customer]), FILTER(LAW,DISTINCTCOUNT(TableA[salesdateid])>1))

    Your help is much appreciated.

  • Anyone could help?

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