query with case statement

  • Hi all,

    I am facing a problem in writing a query.

    Here is my requirement

    i have a <products> table with columns <productid> <productname> <manufactureDate> <DeliveryDate>

    and some columns are filled with null values

    i am trying to find the number of null columns with a counter.

    the execution flow has to be like whenever i come across a null the counter has to be incremented by 1.

    kindly help me in writing this query.



    Trainee SQL

  • Something like


    NullValues =

    case when col1 is null then 1 else 0 end

    +case when col2 is null then 1 else 0 end

    +case when col3 is null then 1 else 0 end

  • Trainee SQL (11/13/2013)

    Hi all,

    I am facing a problem in writing a query.

    Here is my requirement

    i have a <products> table with columns <productid> <productname> <manufactureDate> <DeliveryDate>

    and some columns are filled with null values

    i am trying to find the number of null columns with a counter.

    the execution flow has to be like whenever i come across a null the counter has to be incremented by 1.

    kindly help me in writing this query.



    Trainee SQL

    I created the DDL and populated some same data for you so the results are easily reproducible.

    create table product (

    productid integer,

    productname integer,

    manufacturedate datetime,

    deliverydate datetime);

    insert into product

    values(1, 0, null, null),

    (2, 1, null, null),

    (null, 2, 1, null),

    (null, 3, 2, 1),

    (null, 4, null, null);

    If you want the number of nulls in each column, try this.

    select sum(case when productid is null then 1 else 0 end) null_productid,

    sum(case when productname is null then 1 else 0 end) null_productname,

    sum(case when manufacturedate is null then 1 else 0 end) null_manufacturedate,

    sum(case when deliverydate is null then 1 else 0 end) null_deliverydate

    from product;

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