Parameter Boolean

  • Hello Friends, new time come on a question.

    Thanks to new time I have responded.

    The following parameters related to ask is, if I make a boolean parameter, and I have another parameter as a customer. I want that when you check YES, client parameter is activated, now if it happened to boolean value NO, must be disabled because data should not bring, as would do this.

    Thank you!

  • Take a look at adding a cascading parameter:



  • Thanks for your answer my friend, is what is cascading parameter, let me explain better. I have the keeping parameter1 and parameter2 the suppliers keeping the brands distributed suppliers, what I do is that if you chose the supplier parameter2 to know is that is associated with the brand.

    You think you can do,


  • robert.gerald.taylor is correct, cascading params is exactly what you need here.

  • ok, is that what I said would cascade parameters the most appropriate way to work, but if you only want to filter my report with the parameter supplier and do not want to work with the parameter mark, as you would. It would also in this way if I want to work with brands without selecting the suppliers to suppliers. What I'm looking for with the boolean parameter is that if I give Yes, my parameter is activated Supplier, and if I give the parameter is not deactivated supplier. When I give Yes, I'm passing Provider parameter, when I give not say I'm passing an empty set.

    Thanks before hand, Michael and Robert, I appreciate very much your help.:-D

    Greetings Angel

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