Undo the cross tab

  • I'd like to put the data in table #Things into a normalized structure. Table #NewThings represents my desired output. I don't need to do any aggregation.

    Thanks if you can help.

    CREATE TABLE #Things


    ID int,

    Attribute1 varchar (1),

    Attribute2 varchar (1),

    OneMonthMetric1 int,

    OneMonthMetric2 int,

    TwoMonthMetric1 int,

    TwoMonthMetric2 int,

    ThreeMonthMetric1 int,

    ThreeMonthMetric2 int


    INSERT INTO #Things


    VALUES (1,'A','Z',33,1,4,3,12,3)

    INSERT INTO #Things


    VALUES (2,'E','T',63,5,6,3,132,36)

    INSERT INTO #Things


    VALUES (3,'P','O',5,50,64,3,99,16)

    SELECT * FROM #Things

    DROP TABLE #Things

    CREATE TABLE #NewThings


    ID int,

    Attribute1 varchar (1),

    Attribute2 varchar (1),

    Period varchar(10),

    Metric1 int,

    Metric2 int



    INSERT INTO #NewThings

    (ID,Attribute1,Attribute2,Period, Metric1,Metric2)

    VALUES (1,'A','Z','OneMonth',33,1)

    INSERT INTO #NewThings

    (ID,Attribute1,Attribute2,Period, Metric1,Metric2)

    VALUES (1,'A','Z','TwoMonth',4,3)

    INSERT INTO #NewThings

    (ID,Attribute1,Attribute2,Period, Metric1,Metric2)

    VALUES (1,'A','Z','ThreeMonth',12,3)


    INSERT INTO #NewThings

    (ID,Attribute1,Attribute2,Period, Metric1,Metric2)

    VALUES (2,'E','T','OneMonth',63,5)

    INSERT INTO #NewThings

    (ID,Attribute1,Attribute2,Period, Metric1,Metric2)

    VALUES (2,'E','T','TwoMonth',6,3)

    INSERT INTO #NewThings

    (ID,Attribute1,Attribute2,Period, Metric1,Metric2)

    VALUES (2,'E','T','ThreeMonth',132,36)


    INSERT INTO #NewThings

    (ID,Attribute1,Attribute2,Period, Metric1,Metric2)

    VALUES (3,'A','Z','OneMonth',5,50)

    INSERT INTO #NewThings

    (ID,Attribute1,Attribute2,Period, Metric1,Metric2)

    VALUES (3,'A','Z','TwoMonth',64,3)

    INSERT INTO #NewThings

    (ID,Attribute1,Attribute2,Period, Metric1,Metric2)

    VALUES (3,'A','Z','ThreeMonth',99,16)

    SELECT * FROM #NewThings

    DROP TABLE #NewThings

  • A method using CROSS APPLY could work for you.

    More information in this article: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/CROSS+APPLY+VALUES+UNPIVOT/91234/

    SELECT ID, Attribute1, Attribute2, Period, Metric1,Metric2 FROM #Things

    CROSS APPLY (VALUES('OneMonth',OneMonthMetric1,OneMonthMetric2),


    ('ThreeMonth',ThreeMonthMetric1,ThreeMonthMetric2))x(Period, Metric1,Metric2)

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • I should point out that #NewThings is itself not normalized (Metric1 and Metric2 should really be distinct rows in a separate table). That said, you can unpivot this data to achieve the data set you want. You could either do it in a single statement (like I provided below) or split them into separate statements and join them together (which might be a little easier to read)





    Period = replace(period, 'Metric1', ''),

    Metric1 = Value,

    Metric2 = Value2

    from (SELECT *

    FROM #Things) src

    unpivot (Value for Period in (OneMonthMetric1, TwoMonthMetric1, ThreeMonthMetric1)) upvt

    unpivot (Value2 for Period2 in (OneMonthMetric2, TwoMonthmetric2, ThreeMonthMetric2)) upvt2

    where replace(Period, 'Metric1', '') = replace(Period2, 'Metric2', '')

    Executive Junior Cowboy Developer, Esq.[/url]

  • Gabe T. (10/31/2013)

    I should point out that #NewThings is itself not normalized (Metric1 and Metric2 should really be distinct rows in a separate table).

    Agreed and thanks for the correction.

  • Thank you both (and Dwain)!

  • Gabe T. (10/31/2013)

    I should point out that #NewThings is itself not normalized (Metric1 and Metric2 should really be distinct rows in a separate table).

    Not necessarily if those 2 metrics represent different attributes such as width and height or lattitude and longitude or unit price and quantity. Putting in a separate table might give you a horrible EAV design which is not compliant with normalization forms.

    In other words, it depends.:-D

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • You're right. I may have jumped to conclusions about what the generic columns here represented.

    Executive Junior Cowboy Developer, Esq.[/url]

  • I agreed with Gabe because I have the distinct advantage of seeing the actual data which would result in duplicate data. Since this is more of a reporting/data warehouse I may or may not break out into different tables.

    Seeing enumerated columns like Metric1, Metric2, etc tends to understandably set off normalization alarms.

    I guess a table with fields address1 and address2 is not normalized but accepted as falling within best practice.

  • Chrissy321 (10/31/2013)

    Thank you both (and Dwain)!

    I'd have to say that's about the least work I ever had to apply to a forum question to get a thank you.

    But you're welcome!

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    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
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