Query Execution Slow and Fast find the difference

  • Hi, I'm desesperated and I need some help.

    I've a problem with a simple query. If I put a where clause to a particular field it takes a long but only depending the type of where.

    Let's say if I put: where field is not null it runs fast

    But If I put: where field > 1 it runs so slow.

    This is the query (the most isolated version with the problem) with the > 1 clause.



    SELECT cabe.CodigoEpisodio

    FROM dbo.CabecerasFacturas AS cabe RIGHT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.Historias AS hist INNER JOIN

    dbo.Episodios AS epis ON hist.CodigoHistoria = epis.CodigoHistoria INNER JOIN

    dbo.Centros ON epis.CodigoCentro = dbo.Centros.CodigoCentro INNER JOIN

    dbo.Empresas AS emp ON dbo.Centros.CodigoEmpresa = emp.CodigoEmpresa AND hist.CodigoEmpresa = emp.CodigoEmpresa ON

    cabe.CodigoCentro = dbo.Centros.CodigoCentro AND cabe.CodigoCentro = epis.CodigoCentro AND cabe.CodigoEpisodio = epis.CodigoEpisodio

    WHERE (cabe.SwEstadoCabeceras > 1)



    I include the execution plan for the slow and fast versions. Please, help me I really need to fix this as soon as possible.

    A lot of thanks in advance.



  • This is just for information purposes. . .

    "Slow" Query Definition

    SELECT cabe.CodigoEpisodio

    FROM dbo.CabecerasFacturas AS cabe

    RIGHT JOIN dbo.Historias AS hist

    INNER JOIN dbo.Episodios AS epis ON hist.CodigoHistoria = epis.CodigoHistoria

    INNER JOIN dbo.Centros ON epis.CodigoCentro = dbo.Centros.CodigoCentro

    INNER JOIN dbo.Empresas AS emp ON dbo.Centros.CodigoEmpresa = emp.CodigoEmpresa

    AND hist.CodigoEmpresa = emp.CodigoEmpresa ON cabe.CodigoCentro = dbo.Centros.CodigoCentro

    AND cabe.CodigoCentro = epis.CodigoCentro

    AND cabe.CodigoEpisodio = epis.CodigoEpisodio

    WHERE (cabe.SwEstadoCabeceras > 1);

    "Fast" Query Definition

    SELECT cabe.CodigoEpisodio

    FROM dbo.CabecerasFacturas AS cabe

    RIGHT JOIN dbo.Historias AS hist

    INNER JOIN dbo.Episodios AS epis ON hist.CodigoHistoria = epis.CodigoHistoria

    INNER JOIN dbo.Centros ON epis.CodigoCentro = dbo.Centros.CodigoCentro

    INNER JOIN dbo.Empresas AS emp ON dbo.Centros.CodigoEmpresa = emp.CodigoEmpresa

    AND hist.CodigoEmpresa = emp.CodigoEmpresa ON cabe.CodigoCentro = dbo.Centros.CodigoCentro

    AND cabe.CodigoCentro = epis.CodigoCentro

    AND cabe.CodigoEpisodio = epis.CodigoEpisodio

    WHERE (cabe.SwEstadoCabeceras IS NOT NULL);

    SQL Server suggests indexes for each of those queries, have you had a look at them?

    From "slow" query: -


    Missing Index Details from

    The Query Processor estimates that implementing the following index could improve the query cost by 62.8781%.

    WARNING: This is only an estimate, and the Query Processor is making this recommendation based solely upon analysis

    of this specific query. It has not considered the resulting index size, or its workload-wide impact, including its

    impact on INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE performance. These factors should be taken into account before creating this index.




    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>]

    ON [dbo].[CabecerasFacturas] ([SwEstadoCabeceras])

    INCLUDE ([CodigoCentro],[CodigoEpisodio])




    Missing Index Details from

    The Query Processor estimates that implementing the following index could improve the query cost by 61.528%.

    WARNING: This is only an estimate, and the Query Processor is making this recommendation based solely upon analysis

    of this specific query. It has not considered the resulting index size, or its workload-wide impact, including its

    impact on INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE performance. These factors should be taken into account before creating this index.




    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>]

    ON [dbo].[CabecerasFacturas] ([CodigoCentro],[SwEstadoCabeceras])

    INCLUDE ([CodigoEpisodio])


    From "fast" query: -


    Missing Index Details from

    The Query Processor estimates that implementing the following index could improve the query cost by 28.0727%.

    WARNING: This is only an estimate, and the Query Processor is making this recommendation based solely upon analysis

    of this specific query. It has not considered the resulting index size, or its workload-wide impact, including its

    impact on INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE performance. These factors should be taken into account before creating this index.




    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>]

    ON [dbo].[CabecerasFacturas] ([SwEstadoCabeceras])

    INCLUDE ([CodigoCentro],[CodigoEpisodio])


    Forever trying to learn
    My blog - http://www.cadavre.co.uk/
    For better, quicker answers on T-SQL questions, click on the following...http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/
    For better, quicker answers on SQL Server performance related questions, click on the following...http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/SQLServerCentral/66909/

  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for your response.

    I've tried the index creation but I get same result:

    fast near 0 seconds

    slow about 15 seconds.

    Here you'll find new execution plans.



    Thanks again.

  • I have removed "dbo.Centros.CodigoEmpresa = emp.CodigoEmpresa" and now works good but I'm not really sure about the consequences

    SELECT dbo.CabecerasFacturas.CodigoEpisodio

    FROM dbo.CabecerasFacturas INNER JOIN

    dbo.Episodios ON dbo.Episodios.CodigoCentro = dbo.CabecerasFacturas.CodigoCentro AND

    dbo.Episodios.CodigoEpisodio = dbo.CabecerasFacturas.CodigoEpisodio INNER JOIN

    dbo.Centros ON dbo.Centros.CodigoCentro = dbo.Episodios.CodigoCentro INNER JOIN

    dbo.Historias ON dbo.Historias.CodigoHistoria = dbo.Episodios.CodigoHistoria INNER JOIN

    dbo.Empresas ON dbo.Historias.CodigoEmpresa = dbo.Empresas.CodigoEmpresa

    WHERE (dbo.CabecerasFacturas.SwEstadoCabeceras > 1)


  • mouthbow (9/24/2013)

    I have removed "dbo.Centros.CodigoEmpresa = emp.CodigoEmpresa" and now works good but I'm not really sure about the consequences

    SELECT dbo.CabecerasFacturas.CodigoEpisodio

    FROM dbo.CabecerasFacturas INNER JOIN

    dbo.Episodios ON dbo.Episodios.CodigoCentro = dbo.CabecerasFacturas.CodigoCentro AND

    dbo.Episodios.CodigoEpisodio = dbo.CabecerasFacturas.CodigoEpisodio INNER JOIN

    dbo.Centros ON dbo.Centros.CodigoCentro = dbo.Episodios.CodigoCentro INNER JOIN

    dbo.Historias ON dbo.Historias.CodigoHistoria = dbo.Episodios.CodigoHistoria INNER JOIN

    dbo.Empresas ON dbo.Historias.CodigoEmpresa = dbo.Empresas.CodigoEmpresa

    WHERE (dbo.CabecerasFacturas.SwEstadoCabeceras > 1)


    Why not test the difference?

    SELECT MIN(ResultSet) AS ResultSet, CodigoEpisodio



    SELECT 'With Historias', cabe.CodigoEpisodio

    FROM dbo.CabecerasFacturas AS cabe

    RIGHT JOIN dbo.Historias AS hist

    INNER JOIN dbo.Episodios AS epis ON hist.CodigoHistoria = epis.CodigoHistoria

    INNER JOIN dbo.Centros ON epis.CodigoCentro = dbo.Centros.CodigoCentro

    INNER JOIN dbo.Empresas AS emp ON dbo.Centros.CodigoEmpresa = emp.CodigoEmpresa

    AND hist.CodigoEmpresa = emp.CodigoEmpresa ON cabe.CodigoCentro = dbo.Centros.CodigoCentro

    AND cabe.CodigoCentro = epis.CodigoCentro

    AND cabe.CodigoEpisodio = epis.CodigoEpisodio

    WHERE (cabe.SwEstadoCabeceras > 1)


    SELECT 'Without Historias', dbo.CabecerasFacturas.CodigoEpisodio

    FROM dbo.CabecerasFacturas

    INNER JOIN dbo.Episodios ON dbo.Episodios.CodigoCentro = dbo.CabecerasFacturas.CodigoCentro

    AND dbo.Episodios.CodigoEpisodio = dbo.CabecerasFacturas.CodigoEpisodio

    INNER JOIN dbo.Centros ON dbo.Centros.CodigoCentro = dbo.Episodios.CodigoCentro

    INNER JOIN dbo.Historias ON dbo.Historias.CodigoHistoria = dbo.Episodios.CodigoHistoria

    INNER JOIN dbo.Empresas ON dbo.Historias.CodigoEmpresa = dbo.Empresas.CodigoEmpresa

    WHERE (dbo.CabecerasFacturas.SwEstadoCabeceras > 1)

    ) tmp(ResultSet,CodigoEpisodio)

    GROUP BY CodigoEpisodio

    HAVING COUNT(*) = 1

    ORDER BY CodigoEpisodio;

    Forever trying to learn
    My blog - http://www.cadavre.co.uk/
    For better, quicker answers on T-SQL questions, click on the following...http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/
    For better, quicker answers on SQL Server performance related questions, click on the following...http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/SQLServerCentral/66909/

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