optimize pivot query

  • Hi,

    I did this code to select 2 best selling prodID (by quantity) for each Year period and put it in pivoting format needed for report (ssrs)

    Just curious how it can be optimized (or left formatted inside of ssrs)

    this is my sample

    ;with t4 as (

    select '2011-01-02' as dd, 123 as prodID union

    select '2011-01-03' as dd, 345 as prodID union

    select '2011-01-04' as dd, 345 as prodID union

    select '2011-01-05' as dd, 123 as prodID union

    select '2011-01-06' as dd, 123 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-02' as dd, 567 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-03' as dd, 567 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-04' as dd, 567 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-04' as dd, 777 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-05' as dd, 777 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-06' as dd, 888 as prodID


    --select * From t4

    select *, RANK () over (partition by year order by numb desc) as Rank

    into #tt from (

    select COUNT(*) numb, DATEPART(year,dd) year, prodID

    from t4

    group by DATEPART(year,dd), prodID



    ---select * from #tt

    select t1.prodID as best_11 ,

    t2.prodID as best_12, t1.Rank

    from #tt t1

    join #tt t2 on t2.rank = t1.rank

    where t1.year = '2011'

    and t2.year = '2012'

    and t1.Rank < 3

    order by 3



  • You can remove the use of the derived table:

    ;with t4 as (

    select '2011-01-02' as dd, 123 as prodID union

    select '2011-01-03' as dd, 345 as prodID union

    select '2011-01-04' as dd, 345 as prodID union

    select '2011-01-05' as dd, 123 as prodID union

    select '2011-01-06' as dd, 123 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-02' as dd, 567 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-03' as dd, 567 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-04' as dd, 567 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-04' as dd, 777 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-05' as dd, 777 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-06' as dd, 888 as prodID


    selectCOUNT(*) numb,

    DATEPART(year,dd) year,


    RANK () over (partition by DATEPART(year,dd) order by COUNT(*) desc) as Rank

    INTO #tt

    from t4

    group by DATEPART(year,dd), prodID

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012

  • Tx,

    Sorry but I need format on report like on my sample:

    2011 | 2012


    prod01 | prod03

    prod03 | prod02

  • You can do away with the temporary table.

    with t4 as (

    select '2011-01-02' as dd, 123 as prodID union

    select '2011-01-03' as dd, 345 as prodID union

    select '2011-01-04' as dd, 345 as prodID union

    select '2011-01-05' as dd, 123 as prodID union

    select '2011-01-06' as dd, 123 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-02' as dd, 567 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-03' as dd, 567 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-04' as dd, 567 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-04' as dd, 777 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-05' as dd, 777 as prodID union

    select '2012-01-06' as dd, 888 as prodID


    SELECT best_11=MAX(CASE WHEN Yr=2011 THEN prodID END)

    ,best_12=MAX(CASE WHEN Yr=2012 THEN prodID END)


    FROM (

    SELECT Yr=DATEPART(year, dd), prodID, Items=COUNT(*)


    FROM t4

    GROUP BY DATEPART(year, dd), prodID

    ) a

    WHERE rn < 3

    GROUP BY rn;

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/St

  • mario17 (9/11/2013)


    Sorry but I need format on report like on my sample:

    2011 | 2012


    prod01 | prod03

    prod03 | prod02

    My apologies, I hadnt copied the last part of your query that displayed the data, so had an incomplete solution.

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012

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