Help Required on the given scenario

  • I have a table called T1 and column called C1.It contains one code like TCR-ABCDE12345.

    I have another table T2 ,which has 4 columns and its values as shown below.

    C1 C2 C3 C4

    ABCD 12345 PQRST 98765

    What I need to get from T1 ,when I query as below is

    Select C1 from T1

    Query Result : TCR-PQRST98765

    ie select SUBSTRING(C1,5,5) from T1 - Will be replaced with its corresponding value from T2 (ABCD will be replaced with PQRST)

    i.e.from fifth character till 10th of C1 of T1 needs to be replaced with its corresponding value C3 from T2

    select SUBSTRING(C1,10,len(C1)) from T1 Will be replaced with its corresponding value from T2 (12345 will be replaced with 98765)

    i.e.from 10 th character of C1 of T1 needs to be replaced with its corresponding value C4 from T2.

  • Please give us the DDL statements (CREATE TABLE) and some sample data (preferrably multiple rows) for each table. Tell us the expected results for the samples provided.

    I also don't read in you post how the tables are joined togeteher. How will you know which row of T1 matches with which row in T2.

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • I think the REPLACE function will do what you need.

  • Table1

    Create table T1

    C1 varchar(50)

    Insert into T1 Values ('TCR-12345ABCDEF')


    Insert into T1 Values('TCR-13245HIJKLM')


    Insert into T1 Values('TCR-14567RSTUV')


    Create Table T2

    (C1 varchar (50),

    C2 varchat (50),

    C3 varchar(50),

    C4 varchar(50)


    insert into T2 values('12345','ABCDEF','98765','PQRST')


    insert into T2 values('13245','HIJKLM','45678','VWXYZ')

    expected output after we apply the update query to T1.I am here looking for the "update query" to T1.

    select * from T1




    It means 5th character to 10th character of C1 of T1 should be replaced by C3 of T2,when 5th to 10th charecter of C1 of T1 matches with the C1 of Similarity

    10th character to the last character of C1 of T1 should be replaced by C4 of T2,when 10th to last character of C1 of T1 matches with the C2 of T2.

    Hence the third row from T1 is unchanged as there is no matching record from T2.

  • Use the stuff function, wrapped in a case expression that tells you whether both bits match or just the first or just the second.

    Before you use this code, read and understand the Books Online Pages on CASE, Common Table Expressions, and STUFF; and then check that you understand what the code is doing. That it works on your tiny data sample is no guarantee that it will work correctly on other data.

    ;WITH cte AS (select T1.C1 as C0, T2.C1, T2.C2, T2.C3, T2.C4

    from T1, T2

    where T2.C1 = substring(T1.C1,5,5) and T2.C2=substring(T1.C1,10,len(T2.C2))


    UPDATE cte set C0 =

    case when C1 = substring(C0,5,5) and C2=substring(C0,10,len(C2))

    then stuff(C0,5,len(C0),C3+C4)

    when C1 = substring(C0,5,len(C1))

    then stuff(C0,5,5,C3)

    else stuff(C0,10,len(C0),C4)


    select * from T1

    The code above lets C2 and C4 be any length, since sometimes they are 5 and sometimes 6 in your sample data, but assumes T2.C1 and C3 are always 5 characters, as in the sample data; also, it assumes that you may want to change both or either of the field in T1 corresponding to columns C3 and C4 in T2; so you may need to change it.


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