Cube dimension listings

  • I'm trying to recreate an old SSAS 2000 cube in 2008, and I've got most everything done. The problem is that when I try and view the thing in Excel or the PivotTable IE plugin, the field listing includes every attribute at the top level as well as the hierarchies. Like if I have a Calendar hierarchy consisting of Year-Season-Week, the field listing shows that hierarchy, but it also lists Year, Season, and Week separately as top level dimensions. How do I hide those? I can turn off the hierarchy easily enough, but that's what I want to keep.

  • It sounds like these are listed as attributes also, not just under the hierarchy. See if the attributes are listed twice, once under the hierarchy and once on the attribute list. In your dimension, you may want to make the attributes on the attribute list "not visible" (on the properties windows).

  • Correct. However, there is no "Visible" property on the attributes, just a "AttributeHierarchyVisible", which of course is what I actually want to keep on. I can delete the item from the Attributes list, but then that actually removes it from the cube entirely.

  • I know that is confusing as the property name is a bit of a misnomer. Go ahead and set the visible property to false for the individual attribute. It will hide that attribute, but the heirarchy "version" of that attribute will still be visible.

  • A lot of people turn those individual items off, but make sure your check with your users. You can always put those individual items in display folders so that they are not immediately visible.

  • Well that worked. But it is, in my professional opinion, seriously, stupidly messed up. Why on earth does the property that specifically isn't related to a hierarchy named that?

    Sigh. Thank you very much.

  • Each attribute is a heirarchy. From a big picture, the name makes sense, though there are others who can explain that aspect better than me.

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