Linked Server with restricted access

  • Hi,

    I created one SQL login with read-only permission to select the particular "VIEW" only. My question is how can i use this login into linked server 2008R2.


    How can i enable linked server with restricted access. I want to select one particular 'VIEW' from source database.

    Its very urgent. Please help me.



  • Just create the linked server connection and specify the user credentials in the code or in the "Security" page (when using the GUI).

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver @server = N'{FQDN_instancename}', @srvproduct=N'SQL Server'

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname=N'{FQDN_instancename}',@useself=N'False',@locallogin=NULL


    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Thanks for your quick response.

    I am very new about this topic.

    I cant able to view SQL objects after connecting the linked server. Remote login credentials should be in remote server or local server also?


  • You need access on both the source and the target.

    You need access on the source to get to your starting point of the linked server. You need access on the target to access the objects on the other end of the linked server. The credentials for the target are defined in the linked server. The access on the source are the credantials to login to the instance. These credentials doesn't have to match the credentials in the linked server.

    1. A linked server from Server X to Server Y is defined using credentials of User B

    2. User A has access on Server X and is able to use the linked server

    3. User A opens a connection to the target Server Y through the linked server

    4. User A can access objects on Server Y using the credentials of User B

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Thanks...


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