Replication SYNC Error

  • I have setup a new replication via backup and restore but its giving me two errors first

    "the row was not found at the subscriber when applying the replicated command. (source: mssqlserver, error number: 20598)"

    and the second one is

    Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'NWX_WQMS_PRIMARY'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.NWX_WQMS_QUEUE_MSG'. The duplicate key value is (20, 3, 13031200020600002).

    I have googled for both and tried all the options but nothing is working out I also recreated replication from scratch for the one Main db but same thing.

    I have started replication on other dbs same way, and they are not having any problems.

    should I open a MS ticket ? or is there any other way you can suggest please let me know its my production system.

    This is my Production System Please help.

    Thank you all in advance

  • First error: someone deleted the row at the subscriber and then deleted the row on the publisher. so it's throwing that error. try to insert that row in the subscriber then the replication will delete that row.

    Second error: Primary key violation. Vice versa of the above one. You have a row on the subscriber with the same primary key. Try to compare that row with the publisher if it matches delete the row on the subscriber. Replication will insert that row again.

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